U.S. Supreme Court Opines on Issues in IRP6 Case - Pt. 1
SUMMARY I have sought guidance from written opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) related to the handling of our...

Ethos of American Justice Officials - Pt. 1
As I ponder the wrongful conviction and imprisonment we [the IRP6] have suffered at the hands of American justice, I searched for a word...

Let Me Give You A KISS
Many people may not have heard of the KISS principle. It is an acronym for "Keep It Simple Stupid". This is not an attempt to be...

My Psalm to God
Lord God, the mighty and the terrible, arise for your servants plead for justice. You are full of compassion and great mercy and are the...

A Conscienceless Judiciary
In reference to the April 16, 2014 New York Times article "Obama Commutes a Prisoner's Sentence, Lengthened More than 3 Years by a Typo,"...

A Daughter's Open Letter on Behalf of her Father
My name is Kea Banks. It has come to my attention that Judge Christine Arguello has recently been appointed to the Colorado Women’s Hall...

Response to Associated Press Article
Official response by David Banks to Associated Press (AP) article "Tight-knit Colorado community shaken by fraud case". I would like to...

You Can't Trust the Message
How many people would put their trust in or rely on information provided by a person who they know is a liar, deceiver or possess a...

Respect Must Be Earned
Eighteen year old Jordan Davis was gunned down and murdered in Florida by a racist Michael Dunn. Dunn was offended by loud rap music...

Pursuit of Happiness
Our Declaration of Independence held it self-evident, that all are created equal and are endowed by God with certain inalienable rights,...